Sorry I missed your call, I was busy
Today I will be busy, tomorrow and the day after
We all have stories to tell
We all have places we’ve been and destinations to arrive
I am no different, busy days keeps the devil away
My ex told me I am escaping I call it surviving
I can’t fight this feeling so I run from it
Unread text messages and unconfessed feelings
I’m having a busy day I’ll call you right away
I never did, never had the intention to
I didn’t want to have that conversation
I’m sorry if I hurt you, but what I needed from you the most you couldn’t give. Time and space
A busy day saves me from myself
When I am all alone, the dust settles and my true feelings become brave
I am forced into a world full of reminiscing and sadness
Sadness I inherited from my lonely days
At the end of a busy day I’m tired but not in my feelings