Are you interested in supporting Poetry Catalog through advertising or subscription?
Four ways you can get involved.
Subscribe On X (As soon as we hit 500 followers and get approved.) 😉
- Support independent poetry by contributing to the Poetry Catalog promotion budget.
- All money from X subscriptions will be spent promoting the Poetry Catalog platform and its published poems.
- This is your chance to help us build this platform for the monthly price of a coffee.
- $8 per month
Subscribe On Buy Me A Coffee
- This allows those who are not on X (above) to contribute too.
- Again, all money from Buy Me A Coffee subscriptions will be spent promoting the Poetry Catalog platform and its published poems.
- This is your chance to help us build this platform for the monthly price of a coffee.
- $8 per month
- There is also an option for $1.00 per day
Sponsored Post
- Sponsored posts are inserted into our daily editorial schedule and marked “Sponsored.”
- You may link to and promote your site/brand/product of choice.
- Posts may be of any length and will be shared on social media.
- The post stays on the top of the blog for one day and lives in archives forever after that.
- $300 per post
Official Sponsor
- Official sponsors will be listed in text on the main page’s footer and in full on the “Sponsored” page of their own.
- Sponsors can, of course, add a logo if desired and will be given a backlink to their site/brand/product of choice.
- Official Sponsors who commit for an entire year will be given a free Sponsored Post.
- $400 per month
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