Yesterday when I saw you,I couldn’t help but think of the killdeer that ran in front of me the other day as I walked down the road, her “broken wing” hanging at her side,her crying deet, deet, deet, then sputtering. I got home, researched this bird and learned never to help her,not to cup her up and take her home to help her heal, her “broken wing” act is a defense … [Read more...] about A Good Lesson From A Killdeer, By: Judy Lorenzen
Grief Meets Love, By: Andrew Cyr
Silas steepled his handsand rocked in his dark office chairas he prayed for distancebetween the call and the flightto attend his estranged father’s funeral.He gazed out his large tinted windowat the Yakima River rippling over itselfand Greenway with gold and brownleaves camouflaging the trimmed lawnthree stories below his office.People jogged and walked their dogsthrough the … [Read more...] about Grief Meets Love, By: Andrew Cyr
Artfulness, By: Sanjeev Sethi
The early promise of a poem, as a rule, is filled with feelings.When, as a just-turned-teen, the muse asserts itself, it is oozywith emotional excess. As one takes on the gears of growth, itreduces as if exposure drains us of humanity. Slowly, we pickup control by saddling the hobbyhorse so as not to let it swerveon the race track of the page. In a social set-up, the inner … [Read more...] about Artfulness, By: Sanjeev Sethi
Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – XXXVI. – At Dover, By: William Wordsworth
From the Pier's head, musing, and with increaseOf wonder, I have watched this sea-side Town,Under the white cliff's battlemented crown,Hushed to a depth of more than Sabbath peace:The streets and quays are thronged, but why disownTheir natural utterance: whence this strange releaseFrom social noise, silence elsewhere unknown?A Spirit whispered, "Let all wonder cease;Ocean's … [Read more...] about Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – XXXVI. – At Dover, By: William Wordsworth
Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – XXXV. – After Landing – The Valley Of Dover – Nov. 1820, By: William Wordsworth
Where be the noisy followers of the gameWhich faction breeds; the turmoil where? that passedThrough Europe, echoing from the newsman's blast,And filled our hearts with grief for England's shame.Peace greets us; rambling on without an aimWe mark majestic herds of cattle, freeTo ruminate, couched on the grassy lea;And hear far-off the mellow horn proclaimThe Season's harmless … [Read more...] about Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – XXXV. – After Landing – The Valley Of Dover – Nov. 1820, By: William Wordsworth