The little distant between us
feels like worlds apart
I want us a little closer
I truly care about you
and a little more
Seeing your face every morning
with a little smile
melts my heart
How lovely it is
to know you a little more
At night, when I feel a little drowsy
I stay up a little more
to talk you, to hear you speak
those little words
words that mean everything
Don’t ever be shy with me
Share your pretty thoughts with me
maybe a little more
You may be a little worried
About when I am going to see you again
It feels a little tricky
With a little magic
Anything can be possible
The distant , the time
It gets a little better everyday
Somewhat a little easier
You are sweet
Sometimes I feel a little restless
In truth
The best moments with you
Are memories I put a little on hold on my mind
To savour, to watch and replay
Just a little time
A little patience
We’ll get a little closer
A little deeper
in love, in trust
With you
A little more is enough