A man is a man,
You can tell with a lamp—
Diogenes says—
But you’d call him a tramp.
A dog is a dog
If you bite when he barks
For who is the man?
And who is the mark?
A beggar is rich
For he knows more than you.
Why should you toil,
Or labor for food?
You just need exist
And contribute your own
Unique, special gifts
And your worth will be known.
Your brilliance is clear
There are none who would sue
Whenever you speak
They know just what to do:
They gather to hear and they
Lean on your words.
And even a whisper
Will surely be heard.
You live in the commons
You sleep in a jar
If anyone needs you
They’ll know where you are
And nary a stick
Will keep you from college
Whenever a man has
Attainable knowledge.
The goal is be just
Or that’s the ideal
Remember that other
Good people can feel
Just keep your life simple
Remember that things
Are beside the point and
No man can be King.