Seth leaned against the cornerof his streakless loftliving room window.He shoved his hands insideof his tan jean pockets.Seth blinked back despair.A dinner date with Natalia’s parentswent to hell.Seth asked her father about giving Nataliaa ring.He laughed at Seth and warmthrushed through his cheeks,quenching his ego.Seth excused himself from the table.He returned home.It was … [Read more...] about The Proposal, By: Andrew Cyr
Harper’s New Beginning, By: Andrew Cyr
Harper stood in frontof the bathroom mirrorand smoothed her tan skirtbelow her knees. She adjusted her navy blazer.She painted her lips redand fluffed her long, dark hairthat spiraled to the small of her back. Harper grinned, winked at herselfand turned off the light.Harper knew better thanto put herself down,so she accepted what she saw. She moved over the cream … [Read more...] about Harper’s New Beginning, By: Andrew Cyr
Divorce Court Drama, By: Andrew Cyr
Seth and Emma stoodopposite sidesof the courtroomwhere marriages go to dieand custody battles turnedinto fist fights and sometimesgunshots. Their lawyers accompaniedtheir briefs with briefcases. Seth wore a white dress shirtwithout a tie or a dime to his name.He moved a black comband gel through his hair. Seth’s tan pants and dark loafers toldthe judge that he tried to … [Read more...] about Divorce Court Drama, By: Andrew Cyr
Lost Love Found, By: Andrew Cyr
Once time spilled into midnight,the echo of the July fireworks closedthe curtains on independence.The evenly trimmed grasson Franklin Park spread for milesand so did the attendeeson lawnchairs and picnic blanketswith coolers of drinks.Erin, my life’s love, would love this.I closed my eyes and inhaledthe Jo Malone on her neckline.I missed her, but she had plansthat included … [Read more...] about Lost Love Found, By: Andrew Cyr
Chardonnay and Nostalgia, By: Andrew Cyr
Rekindling a decadeold high school flamehadn’t burned with a whisperof my lips lighting lettersthat I’d never send her,But I tested what I tastedone July evening.A dating site matched us.We made a date,and she arrived hours later.Lucy hit the doorbell.I fixed my beard and collarin the hall mirror.I opened the door,greeted her,and motioned her inside.Lucy’s Polo perfumereminded … [Read more...] about Chardonnay and Nostalgia, By: Andrew Cyr