I visited Darleneafter the sun fellbelow the horizon.I kicked off my shoesand set them besidethe hall closet.The fireplace flickeredand cracked over maple logs.The TV played,but the sound was off.Darlene had her glasseson, licking her fingeras she flipped throughthe pages of a Bible.She sipped wine.Darlene stood and gave meher friendly hug.An evergreen candle dancedthrough the … [Read more...] about Advice On Forever, By: Andrew Cyr
Escaping Alcohol, By: Andrew Cyr
The mood darkened as the moonstretched full, and the starsapplauded misery.I despised dive bars so much sothat I was on a stoolin a crowded dive bar.Most times, I'd sip vodka over rocks.It'd burn, but I'd swallow it all the same.I suppose it'll only changewhen I stop drinking.Dad gave me the habit.It was all the bastard gave me,and I'd cling on to it.It's gotten me this … [Read more...] about Escaping Alcohol, By: Andrew Cyr
Life’s Reception, By: Andrew Cyr
I was on the road after a girl, Darlena. The sun dipped below the horizon, and I lost my way along the highway. Oncoming traffic headlights blinked at me like a dream escape with a knife and blood dripping off my wrists for a secret to keep between me, myself, and this cup of cold coffee that’s barely keeping me awake. I wore my thinking clothes. I thanked God for the cash to … [Read more...] about Life’s Reception, By: Andrew Cyr
Boxing Memories, By: Andrew Cyr
I set the last of the brown boxeson the floor in the living room of the vacant farm home.The movers had two trips to make,most of which they'd removed on the first.I didn't want to be here,but I needed closure.Maybe it was a little selfish,but Grandma forced it upon me.I put the family portraits into orange bins with black lids.The bare walls made my skin crawl.The memories … [Read more...] about Boxing Memories, By: Andrew Cyr
Love In Bloom, By: Andrew Cyr
Lupine bloomed purplewith shades of pink and white.I brushed my hands over the showyyellow arrowleaf balsamroot.I spent my lifegripping either sideof the bathroomsink, bathing in my insecurity.I dated women who shamedme into keeping them around.After Michelle moved to Texas,I released the depressionin my chest.I grappled with perfectionismand that’s left me singleand unhappy.I … [Read more...] about Love In Bloom, By: Andrew Cyr