The cloud-shrouded moonlightstretched into the brisk evening.Escaping a wedding date,I sank into my leather reclinerand sipped a frosted wine cooler.I flipped through the channelsand settled on Dateline.I grabbed a cigarette from my breast pocket.It dangled from the corner of my mouth.I held a lighter to my lips.I took a drag, held it,and blew the anxiety through my … [Read more...] about Dragging A Wedding, By: Andrew Cyr
The End Of Us Is Never, By: Andrew Cyr
From this lakeside mansion living room,I saw more than I wanted to see.I pictured Alicia and me endingas I sipped warm coffeeand leaned against the leather sofa.The all-too-typical breeze filteredthrough a maple tree’s branches,shaking gold and red leavesamong the swathes across tuftsof dead grass that poked through.The dappled day’s raysmade the most of the warmth,casting … [Read more...] about The End Of Us Is Never, By: Andrew Cyr
You Can’t Run, By: Andrew Cyr
Ellie broke the news in a park just before dark.With arms outstretched,Mark escaped through the curtainof gloom as enchanting lacy flakestipped the scale and blendedwith ice on the pavement.Mark swung his arms and danced,going nowhere fast.He sucked in and blew out his breathquicker than he could find the strengthto double over and say game over.Mark blamed Ellie before he cast … [Read more...] about You Can’t Run, By: Andrew Cyr
Partners In Forever, By: Andrew Cyr
Indy wore a wedding ring.I didn’t have a womanto fit one on.After college, Indy and I workedas executives at Amazon.It paid well for Seattle and the healthcarewould come in handy if Indy gave me a heart attack.Because if she wears that beige secretary top,that dark skirt that she smoothed below her knees,I’ll croak by the spoiled child or regret;temptation will do me in instead … [Read more...] about Partners In Forever, By: Andrew Cyr
Ring Finger, By: Andrew Cyr
I locked my crush on Dani in a boxbecause she wore another man’s ring.Seeing it was like a cross searedinto a vampire’s skin, melting before my eyes.We used to come here as kids,and here we were again, smoking pot.Dani flirted with the thought of us.I calmed myself with the sparkle of her diamond ring.Expensive.Much more cash than I had to fork out.Dani’s soft lips shimmered … [Read more...] about Ring Finger, By: Andrew Cyr