I would like to enter your great sorrowas though entering a well that is dark,share with you tears and anxieties, listento the thin, trembling voice of your heart. I have often entered the suffering spirit ofmy friends and have cried for them like achild. Sometimes my days were so gray,it seemed to me that this life wasn’t mine. The indifference of … [Read more...] about On The Threshold Of A Sorrow, By: Irma Kurti
The Jacket Of Sadness, By: Irma Kurti
Under the faint neon light, shadows of peoplepass by. It’s raining, and the street is sleepy anddeserted, while the wind refuses to bring mea message from you now. I keep waiting for you with an imperceptibleanguish, just as spring awaits the return of amigratory bird from a long journey. Time drags on. The air clings to me with a senseof emptiness; the roads seem … [Read more...] about The Jacket Of Sadness, By: Irma Kurti
A Letter To Mom, By: Irma Kurti
How are you, Mom? We haven’t talkedfor so long—I haven’t received any newsfrom you, but there are signs that I decipherlike your tracks, like a greeting from you. You promised me that you would comeand death would never separate us.All my days have been transformedinto a waiting with quick beats of my heart. Mother, I cannot come to you just now,as hundreds of … [Read more...] about A Letter To Mom, By: Irma Kurti
Late, By: Irma Kurti
You come late to dinner when my bodydraws along a dull and monotonous day,when it slowly dies, when my every cellis tired, when the minutes and the hourscrumble in my fingers like grains of sand. You come back late when I do not haveany desire to make you happy, when I’veshared all my sorrows with others, evenmore with myself, when I think that oneday, like a flower, our … [Read more...] about Late, By: Irma Kurti