He has no problembelieving angelstravel the highwaybetween Providence and heaven.The pastor told himand the man never lies.Besides, what are the stars forif not to light the way? He’s the perfect child,his mother says.Not that good at schoolworkbut he sings in the choir.And does his choreseven if he can’t multiplyand divide so well.He obeys the rulesgoverning TV timewithout … [Read more...] about The Good Child, By: John Grey
What Living Means To Me, By: John Grey
I don’t associate lifewith the butterfly.It’s prettybut its time is too shortto have relevance. Nor does the pine,despite what the biologist tells me,seem like anything alive. As for the mosquito,I swatted itas it was about to feedon my upper arm.And I don’t get the feelingthat something,important and irreplaceable,is now gone from this world. There’s so much that’s … [Read more...] about What Living Means To Me, By: John Grey