The white lilies you loved to sashay up tolovingly with your silver trowellike a knight in shining armourcome to their rescue- and your own - to build them upin the rockery are gone for winter time mamBack to the unseen underworld again to growimperceptible as the hands of a clock moving invisible.They'll return slender and full of grace as three Hail Marys!Because, you said, … [Read more...] about Raising Our Dead, By: Patricia Walsh
Red Gate, By: Patricia Walsh
Yellow horse and silver sky and mistAnd a red gate are driven to distraction..If I can accept my fate as wellAnd trust the truth if thingsI won't swing off my hinges.We'll all cross all the oceansAnd God's love is what we'll see -We're not marooned.In all our hard lessonsIn all our fragility -It's not God's fault! A red gate flung open.No longer a red rag to a bull,A little … [Read more...] about Red Gate, By: Patricia Walsh