God, taking a short break,
Looked down to Earth and
Saw what He had created.
And He cried, “Oh, Myself!
What have I done?” Yes,
Well, now there was really
Nothing for it but to start
Over from scratch. But,
What to do with what He
Had already made, all the
Little beings running amuck
Screwing things up on a
Perpetual basis. And so
Many of them wailing His
Name in justification for
Their bogus shenanigans.
He asked Satan his advice,
Satan said, “Kill them all
And let God sort them out.”
And God said, “You dispshit!
Oh, how original. That’s no
Help. That just puts it all
Back on Me. No wonder I
Kicked your ass out.” Finally,
God, in His infinite wisdom,
Lit us a doobie and said,
“I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”
And, I say, “Thanks a heap,
God. That doesn’t fix shit.”
And God saith, “Chill, Dan.”