I must act now, lest I forget why I was in such a hurry to act
Pardon me if I seem a bit desperate, I am driven by instincts and the first I wanna do when I see you is to drown you with kisses
I am alone in this world you know it
I am not righteous but I take the greatest leap of faith everyday putting my trust in you
I do not know when, but I’m confident the sun will shine again on me
Your sudden amnesia for me, makes me question the sincerity of your kisses during our intimate moments
What then was real, if any
Even if my brain fails to understand that you have moved on
And my body uneasy and crippled with anxiety
My mind unable to accept you are no longer
My cheeks cold and starving of your lipstick
My shoulders broad and lacking companion
My eyes lost in the stars that were your mascara
My hands trembling, my knees weak and needing support
My heart will continue to beat, the memories can’t be taken from me