There’s no escape my love
there’s no escape it’s true
I’m trapped because
My heart is trapped
Inside the very soul of you.
There’s no escape my love
No need for one it seems.
I’m trapped just like
Your fondest wish
Is trapped inside
Your dreams.
There was a time
When all my life
Was of the past
Was all I had.
My mind would roam
Along those roads
Of happy days,
And dismal thoughts.
Of youthful times,
Frolic and madness.
And, from the depths
Of sleeping darkness,
There is that sadness
That nothing is
As was, or will be
Nothing ever stays
The same.
All things change,
And change forever.
Yet those times
We do remember
Those that
In our hearts remain,
Are like the glow
of dying embers
In an everlasting flame.
That was my life
And so my past.
Now there is you.
But will you last?
Will you become
A dismal time,
A sad refrain,
Another rhyme.
Or, are you real?
Are you that fate,
From which this love
Has no escape.