Gate to paradise, an armed guard,
In his own words, none shall pass;
Many have tried and all have perished,
Mystery lies in all its glory;
A butterfly, embarks on a journey,
Wandering with much endeavor;
Lies ahead a tough reckoning,
It is hope that brings her here;
Desolate is the land, full of misery,
Only survival is deceit and treachery,
Gate is in sight, she flaps with joy,
Consummate the journey, started miles away;
She could’ve passed for she can fly,
Drenched with decency, she obliges,
The guard unflinching, sternly denies,
In her mind she has to pass, paradise awaits;
The guard threatens, she persists,
Her inviolable desire to get past,
He beseeches her to leave,
Strong willed, she has no sense of fear;
Exasperated by the denial in offer,
The mirth now turned to despair,
She breaks the shackles of morality;
Flies over the gate without remorse,
Overjoyed on her flight, she glances back,
Lying flat was a corpse of the guard,
For he had no more purpose in life!!!