when i was a child, i thought that love would burn
like an eternal flame that charred
everything it lay its fingers on, leaving
nothing but the grey snow and the rubble
a fleeting display of utmost glory snuffed
out like a cigarette
when i was a child, i fell in love with the sea
with the cobalt froth that formed
around me in a dizzying haze
with the calm brought by the taste of salt
on my tongue, and the feel of freedom
seeping into my skin
when i was a child, i fell in love with the stars
glimmering so brightly in the night sky
with the moon that gleamed just as bright
as the most precious of gems
and the sun in its blinding glory and
the gentle warmth of its rays
when i was a child, i fell in love with angels
with the peace brought by a simple touch
that urged me closer towards that elusive salvation
with all-seeing eyes and halos wrought in gold
framed with ivory and pearls
the gleam of a sapphire in a lone eye
i am no longer a child, and now i know
that there is love in the flames of the brazier
in the ripples of the ocean
in the obsidian of the night sky
and in the purity of my heaven
and in everything i see through her eyes