there is a sting in the thing that urges you to call instead of text
that girl you met at godknowswhere when you were hungry in all the ways
a girl new to the city unhoused and out of a job can be
you call because you have texted before double texted and in that chat, crickets
youre lonelier than when you went to that new school and for a month could not
fit into the already tight cliques until you aced that math test and by break
time everyone knew your name you feel nameless now, in your house where
the silence doesnt judge you just eats at you
you called and the silences were longer than your words
you asked if they needed anything because how intoxicating the wine of usefulness
and you could have driven out that very second to go pick them up wherever they were
drop them wherever they needed to go a friends house maybe, if they asked
then cried all the way back like you are now but they said, got it covered
and the chill bumps covered your whole body the lump ever thick in your throat
threatening the end