Mark the concentred hazels that encloseYon old grey Stone, protected from the rayOf noontide suns: and even the beams that playAnd glance, while wantonly the rough wind blows,Are seldom free to touch the moss that growsUpon that roof, amid embowering gloom,The very image framing of a Tomb,In which some ancient Chieftain finds reposeAmong the lonely mountains. Live, ye trees!And … [Read more...] about Mark The Concentrated Hazels That Enclose, By: William Wordsworth
Malham Cove, By: William Wordsworth
Was the aim frustrated by force or guile,When giants scooped from out the rocky ground,Tier under tier, this semicirque profound?(Giants the same who built in Erin's isleThat Causeway with incomparable toil!)Oh, had this vast theatric structure woundWith finished sweep into a perfect round,No mightier work had gained the plausive smileOf all-beholding Phoebus! But, alas,Vain … [Read more...] about Malham Cove, By: William Wordsworth
Lyre! Though Such Power Do In Thy Magic Live, By: William Wordsworth
Lyre! though such power do in thy magic liveAs might from India's farthest plainRecall the not unwilling Maid,Assist me to detainThe lovely Fugitive:Check with thy notes the impulse which, betrayedBy her sweet farewell looks, I longed to aid.Here let me gaze enrapt upon that eye,The impregnable and awe-inspiring fortOf contemplation, the calm portBy reason fenced from winds … [Read more...] about Lyre! Though Such Power Do In Thy Magic Live, By: William Wordsworth
Lucy V, By: William Wordsworth
A slumber did my spirit seal;I had no human fears:She seem'd a thing that could not feelThe touch of earthly years. No motion has she now, no force;She neither hears nor sees;Roll'd round in earth's diurnal course,With rocks, and stones, and trees. … [Read more...] about Lucy V, By: William Wordsworth
Lucy IV, By: William Wordsworth
Three years she grew in sun and shower;Then Nature said, 'A lovelier flowerOn earth was never sown;This child I to myself will take;She shall be mine, and I will makeA lady of my own. "Myself will to my darling beBoth law and impulse: and with meThe girl, in rock and plain,In earth and heaven, in glade and bower,Shall feel an overseeing powerTo kindle or restrain. "She … [Read more...] about Lucy IV, By: William Wordsworth