I sit down to breakfast,an omelette with cheddarand Colby jack cheese.I started to have a grilled Americancheese sandwich, decided withomelette I would be more pleased.Seems I want to add cheese toevery meal, cheese adds flavor toeverything, I feel.Another favorite is mushroomcheddar cheese quiche.To this yummy recipe I add avariety of cheeses, champagneis silky smooth texture, … [Read more...] about A Way To Go With Cheese, By: Sylvia Beverly
Sylvia Beverly
About Sylvia Beverly
Sylvia Beverly is an Internationally acclaimed poem, presenting in Brixton, London, England. She is also known as Ladi Di “Love Poet”. Author of two books “Forever In Your Eyes” and “Cooking Up South”, recipes and poems. Ladi Di is proud Matriarch of her family.