my childrenmy fellow prisonerssome men are falsewe may deny it true the broad day smilesas the rain easesbut the false mansmiles so easily and are we not always toldto give the other manthe benefit of any doubtas he slips the acid into your wine i claim secret knowledge todayto share with any who careof portwine the man and his missionunder formerly levantine … [Read more...] about Portwine The Spy, By: WV Sutra
In The Levant With Maxie, By: WV Sutra
it was beyrouth and we were sixteen maxie and mehe had done some time as a lottery boy in miamileaving me lazy to shamelessly revel in beauty hey man got any hash he would say out of breathpigeon chest goofing hard on his asthma inhalerwith the pipe on fire the callow words keep coming more often than not he would find me in bedas i fumbled the sheets for a chunk of the … [Read more...] about In The Levant With Maxie, By: WV Sutra
Sibylline, By: WV Sutra
give them joy of their pleasant livesand gaze at the sky for particularsone appears to be already somebodyone who is turning heads with the poetrysome will call him a sassafras boojieas he enthralls a dance upon their bones give them joy of their pleasant livesand gaze at the sky for particularsone came into a jolly good fantasysome even said it was worthy of royaltyfeels … [Read more...] about Sibylline, By: WV Sutra