Grill it, fry it, slap it full of stuffing.
I’ll eat it all, beak, bills and puffins.
The vegans are my enemy, the steak is my sword
I eat enough so that they know carnivores have the last word.
I once saw a small cookie cutter, used to shape rice.
For me that behavior is but utter utter spice,
I like to shave my hair in the fashion of a moose,
You will not stop me not even through the sniper or the noose.
I’m done, you’re old, I’ve won, you’re bold
I eat I eat I eat.
There is no grub as half as tasty as steak and beef and other words rhyming with eat.
Dedicated to Seamus. You would have really loved the meat tornado burrito now half price at all good Boojums.