To be loved is to be known but I don’t think anyone knows me
can’t recall how I like my coffee but I know you like my favorite song
I prefer tea over coffee but can’t help but remember how you like to be warm
& I never really had a home..but my body became your temple, gave you free will to roam
don’t really talk about myself so i can continue to portray strong
so if I tell you anything it’d only be to warn
too much of an observer
the unrequited over-lover
when I fall in love I tend to hover
dangle right from their fingers & leave them smothered
don’t really know me so if I mirror you, hopefully you’ll match my hunger
& if you fell in love with me it’d just be blunder
don’t pick up my phone, hate being perceived
but the craving to be seen lies under
I happen to let you in, I lost my spark, now there’s nothing left to wonder.
Love, Tia.