Stretched on the dying Mother's lap, lies deadHer new-born Babe; dire ending of bright hope!But Sculpture here, with the divinest scopeOf luminous faith, heavenward hath raised that headSo patiently; and through one hand has spreadA touch so tender for the insensate Child(Earth's lingering love to parting reconciled,Brief parting, for the spirit is all but fled)That we, who … [Read more...] about Monument Of Mrs. Howard – By Nollekens – In Wetheral Church, Near Corby, On The Banks Of The Eden, By: William Wordsworth
Raising Our Dead, By: Patricia Walsh
The white lilies you loved to sashay up tolovingly with your silver trowellike a knight in shining armourcome to their rescue- and your own - to build them upin the rockery are gone for winter time mamBack to the unseen underworld again to growimperceptible as the hands of a clock moving invisible.They'll return slender and full of grace as three Hail Marys!Because, you said, … [Read more...] about Raising Our Dead, By: Patricia Walsh
Miscellaneous Sonnets, 1842 – VIII – Lo! Where She Stands Fixed In A Saint-Like Trance, By: William Wordsworth
Lo! where she stands fixed in a saint-like trance,One upward hand, as if she needed restFrom rapture, lying softly on her breast!Nor wants her eyeball an ethereal glance;But not the less, nay more, that countenance,While thus illumined, tells of painful strifeFor a sick heart made weary of this lifeBy love, long crossed with adverse circumstance.Would She were now as when she … [Read more...] about Miscellaneous Sonnets, 1842 – VIII – Lo! Where She Stands Fixed In A Saint-Like Trance, By: William Wordsworth
Echoes, By: Sam Calhoun
Under a glaring moonby a fire that leapt in burstslike moves from a long forgotten dance,we sat watching the trees swayin their own memories, as the leavesspun and flipped before making onelast arch toward that glass lake,the need to send out a ripple, a howl,like the coyotes on some far bank,their playground yelping like kids,an echo sent down this canyon,where closed caverns … [Read more...] about Echoes, By: Sam Calhoun
Miscellaneous Sonnets, 1842 – VII – Men Of The Western World, By: William Wordsworth
Men of the Western World! in Fate's dark bookWhence these opprobrious leaves of dire portent?Think ye your British Ancestors forsookTheir native Land, for outrage provident;From unsubmissive necks the bridle shookTo give, in their Descendants, freer ventAnd wider range to passions turbulent,To mutual tyranny a deadlier look?Nay, said a voice, soft as the south wind's … [Read more...] about Miscellaneous Sonnets, 1842 – VII – Men Of The Western World, By: William Wordsworth