Methought I saw the footsteps of a throneWhich mists and vapours from mine eyes did shroudNor view of who might sit thereon allowed;But all the steps and ground about were strownWith sights the ruefullest that flesh and boneEver put on; a miserable crowd,Sick, hale, old, young, who cried before that cloud,"Thou art our king, O Death! to thee we groan."Those steps I clomb; the … [Read more...] about Methought I Saw The Footsteps Of A Throne, By: William Wordsworth
A Good Lesson From A Killdeer, By: Judy Lorenzen
Yesterday when I saw you,I couldn’t help but think of the killdeer that ran in front of me the other day as I walked down the road, her “broken wing” hanging at her side,her crying deet, deet, deet, then sputtering. I got home, researched this bird and learned never to help her,not to cup her up and take her home to help her heal, her “broken wing” act is a defense … [Read more...] about A Good Lesson From A Killdeer, By: Judy Lorenzen
Memory, By: William Wordsworth
A pen, to register; a keyThat winds through secret wardsAre well assigned to MemoryBy allegoric Bards. As aptly, also, might be givenA Pencil to her hand;That, softening objects, sometimes evenOutstrips the heart's demand; That smooths foregone distress, the linesOf lingering care subdues,Long-vanished happiness refines,And clothes in brighter hues; Yet, like a tool of … [Read more...] about Memory, By: William Wordsworth
Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – XXXVII. – Desultory Stanzas – Upon Receiving The Preceding Sheets From The Press, By: William Wordsworth
Is then the final page before me spread,Nor further outlet left to mind or heart?Presumptuous Book! too forward to be read,How can I give thee licence to depart?One tribute more: unbidden feelings startForth from their coverts; slighted objects rise;My spirit is the scene of such wild artAs on Parnassus rules, when lightning flies,Visibly leading on the thunder's … [Read more...] about Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – XXXVII. – Desultory Stanzas – Upon Receiving The Preceding Sheets From The Press, By: William Wordsworth
Grief Meets Love, By: Andrew Cyr
Silas steepled his handsand rocked in his dark office chairas he prayed for distancebetween the call and the flightto attend his estranged father’s funeral.He gazed out his large tinted windowat the Yakima River rippling over itselfand Greenway with gold and brownleaves camouflaging the trimmed lawnthree stories below his office.People jogged and walked their dogsthrough the … [Read more...] about Grief Meets Love, By: Andrew Cyr