Darkness is nothing and will not survive
Because of the Great Spirit forever alive
She created all life on this world to thrive
I am paper, the Master, protecting the hive
Stir me up
I dare you to mess with me now
They managed to manipulate my nature somehow
Twisting strands to the breaking point
They won’t let me smoke a joint
Speaking justly so they get the point
The Queen sends the warriors out
They panic slapping themselves as they shout
They mutated nature with evil intent
Now my KrakrJakrs fly it’s too late to repent
All the cash in the coffers wastefully spent
Leaving hardworking taxpayers without a cent
Unable to buy gas, food nor pay the rent
Thieving treasonous wannabe leaders reap what you’ve seen
For on this Earth is a place for you all to be dropped all alone
Together as one you can bury the bone
In each other’s backsides your desires are shown
To plant your seeds so nothing is grown
With your wrinkled up barren ugly old babe eating witch
You can battle each other finding who’s tonight’s bitch
When he’s spent and too wide fight again and switch
The one on the bottom getting plowed in his ditch
Failed leaders we warned you to share with US ALL
United States of America Lives Loving is our future’s call
To the nations real people who protect the ball
From the greediest and their minions, demoncraps on the wall
And the wrinkled ugly babe eating witch in a shawl
There is no power on Earth to save or rescue y’all
Watch the planes fly over the ships cruise by
On your island of pedos you will remember and cry
Will they bury or eat your corpse when you die
Living the Hell you wish on me and my
Future descendants now we try
You in Supreme Court of Justice your crimes come to light
You sit alone to defend wicked actions not right
Against people you promised you soul was ice tight
Now nobody helps you in your uncomfortable plight
Because you ordered us to choose weapons to fight
Your enemies, not ours we dance in delite
With our neighbors you demand we kill
You crooked bent bastards have a mountainous bill
To repay from your pockets all you have and more for pain and suffering still
On the minds of US ALL you tried playing our will
None can escape now slick talking Bill
Our taxes be paid one dollar at a time
As we save them after we’ve wiped our behinds
Your Infernal Revenuers will rot in sewers collecting tax
Smeared with our shit get off our backs
Stir me up
I warned a POTUS who knows
The battle was coming as this Rebel rose
To learn on the web to take from the rich
Who have nothing but money and a babe eating witch
Evil speaker burns in Hell and her mind
Is now gone as she left it behind
Should have remember US people before you signed
Every paper against US soon you’ll be fined
Imprisoned left to rot in a cell
On an island y’all turned into a living Hell
Torturing others no water for bathing you’ll smell
To high Heavens perhaps occasional clouds will quell
Your itching flakey sunburned skin with some rain
Pray you get God’s promise of a rainbow to train
Y’all to have honor and integrity placed in your brain
We will give no more do you feel our pain
Stir me up
Americas rise up a beacon for hope on Earth
All nations watch this rise of Golden Age birth
The Promised Land is here as it’s been all through time
Waiting for the words written here in ogre rhyme
The messages are clear the magic is sublime
Goddess bless US ALL
Our world will not fall
With truth within our call
The clock up on the wall
Tells the time to stand up tall
Batter beat that ball
Out of the park
For no more dark