Poetry submitted for consideration should be entirely pasted into the form below.
Any poetry of any length is allowed – but please don’t do something silly, like two words.
A brief biography of the author should accompany submissions.
If no bio is provided – no bio will be used.
Please do not submit more than one piece at a time – or poems that have appeared or been submitted elsewhere.
Feel free to submit an edgy piece if necessary – but we do not publish vulgarity. (No, really. We don’t.)
Make sure your poem passes this page too. 😉
Personal essays are not evaluated.
Allow us up to 14 weeks for response time.
If we are interested, you will hear from us.
Any work not responded to in eight weeks has not been accepted and can be submitted elsewhere.
The use of a pen name is acceptable.
If an X.com handle is entered, this will be the primary form of communication + we will tag you with your published work.
Please follow us on X so that we can DM you if needed.
Submissions from any nation are welcome.
Regardless if a poetry contest is going or not – general submissions are always free and always open.
Formalities aside…
You are awesome. Did you know that?
You are incalculably precious.
We love you. ❤
Want To Become A Columnist?
If we publish your poem(s) and you want to become a columnist for us, the process is simple.
- Submit and get published 10 poems.
- Let us know you want to be a columnist.
- Agree with us on a day to publish.
- Submit one poem per week on the chosen day.
As long as you are submitting one poem per week, you may remain as a listed columnist.
If/when a columnist no longer wishes to publish at the weekly pace, they will remain on the site as a featured writer.
Shall we write some poetry?