My board of directors met today…and
roundly criticized everything I have ever done…and
everything I have ever contemplated doing
Before departing they assured me all was said
just for my own good So…
I am an abject failure
it’s time to start taking myself
seriously I guess
and start taking the world around me
seriously I guess
No more dancing in the living room
No more nude beaches
Time to become…what? A mature man
Is there a second choice? Maybe I could become a vegetable
…a turnip would be nice
that way I could really search for my roots…seriously
Maybe what I need is a good investment program cash flow seems to be the answer for many men…my age
I could find a woman and lose myself in her…me…fat…forty…in bad need of a haircut…an above average earner and below average lover…
I think I will become Catholic again…last time it was fun…but this time I could be serious…
I think…
But that would rule out