There was a time before the forest was scary.
When river was shallow, and the wolf was a fairy.
Before it was the start of an ominous story,
Before dark shadows meant gruesome and gory.
There was a little girl with two braids in her hair,
She collected acorns and believed love wasn’t rare.
She played all day, her spirit free to roam,
Singing barefoot through the forest, calling it home.
But she grew older, and the forest grew dim,
She collected worries and forgot how to swim.
Where she once frolicked, she now runs for her life,
Debating which to fear, the hunter or his knife?
I guess you could say she wasn’t that girl anymore,
The river got deep and sometimes she swore.
She moved from the forest, now she was filled with fear,
Between the trees were far worse than just rabbits and deer.
Braids pulled out, her hair now hangs loose.
Memories of old songs faded from disuse.
But sometimes she thinks of the old forest somehow,
Remembers that girl, wonders where she is now.
I’m not sure, I haven’t been near the trees for a while,
Sometimes I feel she’s with me, hidden in my smile.
But I like to think she’s still playing in the forest somewhere,
That little girl, with the two braids in her hair.