O for a dirge! But why complain?
Ask rather a triumphal strain
When Fermor’s race is run;
A garland of immortal boughs
To twine around the Christian’s brows,
Whose glorious work is done.
We pay a high and holy debt;
No tears of passionate regret
Shall stain this votive lay;
Ill-worthy, Beaumont! were the grief
That flings itself on wild relief
When Saints have passed away.
Sad doom, at Sorrow’s shrine to kneel,
For ever covetous to feel,
And impotent to bear!
Such once was hers, to think and think
On severed love, and only sink
From anguish to despair!
But nature to its inmost part
Faith had refined; and to her heart
A peaceful cradle given:
Calm as the dew-drop’s, free to rest
Within a breeze-fanned rose’s breast
Till it exhales to Heaven.
Was ever Spirit that could bend
So graciously? that could descend,
Another’s need to suit,
So promptly from her lofty throne?
In works of love, in these alone,
How restless, how minute!
Pale was her hue; yet mortal cheek
Ne’er kindled with a livelier streak
When aught had suffered wrong,
When aught that breathes had felt a wound;
Such look the Oppressor might confound,
However proud and strong.
But hushed be every thought that springs
From out the bitterness of things;
Her quiet is secure;
No thorns can pierce her tender feet,
Whose life was, like the violet, sweet,
As climbing jasmine, pure.
As snowdrop on an infant’s grave,
Or lily heaving with the wave
That feeds it and defends;
As Vesper, ere the star hath kissed
The mountain top, or breathed the mist
That from the vale ascends.
Thou takest not away, O Death!
Thou strikest, absence perisheth,
Indifference is no more;
The future brightens on our sight;
For on the past hath fallen a light
That tempts us to adore.