Lyre! though such power do in thy magic liveAs might from India's farthest plainRecall the not unwilling Maid,Assist me to detainThe lovely Fugitive:Check with thy notes the impulse which, betrayedBy her sweet farewell looks, I longed to aid.Here let me gaze enrapt upon that eye,The impregnable and awe-inspiring fortOf contemplation, the calm portBy reason fenced from winds … [Read more...] about Lyre! Though Such Power Do In Thy Magic Live, By: William Wordsworth
Little Girl Blue, By: Patricia Carragon
She’s alone again—the raindrops on her windowcount the years she’s been blue. She bought a cake—it’s her birthday,and the sun forgot to come. She’s a big girl now—forty-five, fifty-five, sixty-five, or seventy-five,going on thirty-five, twenty-five,fifteen, or five? She’s still that little girl who can’t forgetthe time of her first and only party—the invitations were … [Read more...] about Little Girl Blue, By: Patricia Carragon
Lucy V, By: William Wordsworth
A slumber did my spirit seal;I had no human fears:She seem'd a thing that could not feelThe touch of earthly years. No motion has she now, no force;She neither hears nor sees;Roll'd round in earth's diurnal course,With rocks, and stones, and trees. … [Read more...] about Lucy V, By: William Wordsworth
Plumptre Street, By: Hongwei Bao
There’s no plum tree on Plumptre Street,just as there’s no lace in Lace Market. One day I lock myself out of my rentedflat, the whole building in fact, the red-brick architecture converted from a Victorianwarehouse. Its big windows, arched and single-glazed, a tourist attraction in the daytime,a shudder to think about at night, like tonight. I pace along the empty street. … [Read more...] about Plumptre Street, By: Hongwei Bao
Lucy IV, By: William Wordsworth
Three years she grew in sun and shower;Then Nature said, 'A lovelier flowerOn earth was never sown;This child I to myself will take;She shall be mine, and I will makeA lady of my own. "Myself will to my darling beBoth law and impulse: and with meThe girl, in rock and plain,In earth and heaven, in glade and bower,Shall feel an overseeing powerTo kindle or restrain. "She … [Read more...] about Lucy IV, By: William Wordsworth