‘The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese’
(GK Chesterton)
And so to discuss the subject of cheese
and thus ensure you I don’t mean to tease.
Its meanings are complex but fun,
so listen up-there’s more than one!
You’ve bought Nintendo Switch, so play the game.
You know the tactics, and what’s your aim?
To shout loudly, ‘I cheesed the fight’
and your rival will get a fright!
Those football fans from Wisconsin are known
by a nickname ‘Cheesehead’ ‘cos they are prone
to wear strange yellow wedge-shaped hats,
and cheer for the Packers, and that’s
enough, or ‘cheese-it’ – because I’m fed up
or ‘cheesed off’ and so crave a drink to sup.
A ‘Big cheese’ I refuse to be
but remain footloose, keen and free
to say ‘hard cheese’ when I don’t care a jot
if your music is cheesy. See that spot?
Please stand there. Now ready? Say ‘cheese!’
Your smile will hold firm in the breeze.
I trust you’re perfect. Spick and span and neat?
And known not to have horrid cheesy feet?
Out on the street, I hear the cry
‘ya got some cheese for that poor guy?’
You think I’ve missed some important data
like Ricotta, Mozzarella and Feta?
There’s Gorgonzola, Gouda, Brie
Even more cheese – go on a spree!
[This is a Featured Poem from our Spring 2024 Poetry Contest.]