What lovelier home could gentle Fancy choose?Is this the stream, whose cities, heights, and plains,War's favourite playground, are with crimson stainsFamiliar, as the Morn with pearly dews?The Morn, that now, along the silver Meuse,Spreading her peaceful ensigns, calls the swainsTo tend their silent boats and ringing wains,Or strip the bough whose mellow fruit bestrewsThe … [Read more...] about Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – V. – Between Namur And Liege, By: William Wordsworth
Christmas Tree, By: Hongwei Bao
OneChristmas,Mum asks meto read out my prize-winning poem from the schoolwriting competition. Obviously, she’svery proud of me, more than I am of myself.My uncle and aunt stop talking, all eyes on me.My cousin opens his big mouth, showing crooked teeth,as if to say, you are done for. Now I’m standing in front ofthe Christmas tree, the one Mum struggled to get out of the loftthe … [Read more...] about Christmas Tree, By: Hongwei Bao
Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – IX. – Hymn – For The Boatmen, As They Approach The Rapids Under The Castle Of Heidelberg, By: William Wordsworth
Jesu! bless our slender Boat,By the current swept along;Loud its threatenings, let them notDrown the music of a songBreathed thy mercy to implore,Where these troubled waters roar! Saviour, for our warning, seenBleeding on that precious Rood;If, while through the meadows greenGently wound the peaceful flood,We forgot Thee, do not ThouDisregard thy Suppliants now! Hither, … [Read more...] about Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – IX. – Hymn – For The Boatmen, As They Approach The Rapids Under The Castle Of Heidelberg, By: William Wordsworth
Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – IV. – After Visiting The Field Of Waterloo, By: William Wordsworth
A winged Goddess, clothed in vesture wroughtOf rainbow colours; One whose port was bold,Whose overburthened hand could scarcely holdThe glittering crowns and garlands which it broughtHovered in air above the far-famed Spot.She vanished; leaving prospect blank and coldOf wind-swept corn that wide around us rolledIn dreary billows; wood, and meagre cot,And monuments that soon … [Read more...] about Memorials Of A Tour On The Continent, 1820 – IV. – After Visiting The Field Of Waterloo, By: William Wordsworth
A Poem For Oxymorons, By: Nathan Mallon
It's old newsBut in recent history,A civil war broke outIn the United KingdomIt got pretty uglyAnd became a tragic comedyBut it's awfully goodBecause we've got aDeeply superficialGenuine imitationOf a modern VictorianWho's looking forBrexit benefits … [Read more...] about A Poem For Oxymorons, By: Nathan Mallon